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Permits, violations & licenses

Pay an L&I violation fee or fine

The Department of Licenses and Inspections (L&I) issues notices for violations of the Philadelphia Code related to the construction and use of buildings and certain business requirements. You can pay the violation fees and fines online, by mail, or in person.

Types of notices issued by L&I for violations include:

  • Violation Notice and Order to Correct, also known as a Notice of Violation (NOV).
  • Vending Confiscation Notice.
  • Licensing Violation Notice.
  • Code Violation Notices (CVNs).
There is a different payment process for code violation notices (CVNs).

How to pay

You need the case file number from the violation notice or statement of outstanding fees issued by L&I.

You can pay by credit, debit, check, or money order. There is a 2.25% fee for credit and debit card transactions.


Pay online using eCLIPSE.

See the Pay L&I violation fee or fines in eCLIPSE how-to-guide for step-by-step instructions.

In person

You must schedule an appointment to pay in person. You can schedule an appointment online or call (215) 686-6600.

Revenue Payment Center
1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Municipal Services Building, Public Service Concourse
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Bring the following to the appointment:

  • The statement of outstanding fees issued by L&I.
  • Your appointment confirmation (printed or on your mobile phone).
  • Cash, check, money order, credit card, or debit card to make payment.
    • For checks and money orders, make payable to the City of Philadelphia and write your L&I case file number on the memo line.


Mail a copy of the statement of outstanding fees issued by L&I with a check or money order for the total amount on the statement to:

Licenses and Inspections, Fiscal Unit
City of Philadelphia
1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Room 1130
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Make the check or money order payable to the City of Philadelphia and write your L&I case file number on the memo line. To request a statement, complete the online request form.
