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Water, gas & utilities

Restore water service

Follow the instructions below to get your water service restored.

Pay outstanding balance

If your water has been shut off due to non-payment, you must call us at (215) 685-6300 or come into any of our three customer service locations to either pay the full balance or set up a payment plan.

To adhere to COVID-19 guidelines, our Northeast Philadelphia office is now  accepting payments only. Our North Philadelphia office remains closed until further notice.

Allow meter access

Whenever possible, the Water Department will turn your water and sewer service back on within 24 hours after you have made satisfactory payment, arranged a payment plan, or permitted access to your meter.

If your water has been shut off because you have not allowed access to your meter for inspection, changes, or repairs, you must permit access to your meter. Once access is permitted to your meter, service will be restored within one day, if possible.

Resolve a Notice of Defect

If your water has been shut off because of a Notice of Defect, call Customer Field Service at (215) 685-6300.

Shutoff and restoration fees

The Water Bureau collects fees for shutting off your service or restoring it. The fees change depending on the service, and your enrollment in the Tiered Assistance Program (TAP). Please see a list of the fees below.

TAP water customers

Shut off for non-payment (visitation fee): $12
Restoration fee: $12

All other water customers:

Shut off for non-payment (visitation fee): $105
Restoration fee for service lines 2 inches, or smaller: $105
Restoration fee for service lines bigger than 2 inches: $280
