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Payments, assistance & taxes

Request a refund for taxes paid to local jurisdictions

Philadelphia residents who make income tax payments to local jurisdictions (like cities and counties) outside of Pennsylvania can request a refund if they also paid one of the following City of Philadelphia taxes on that same income:

No City income tax refund is available for taxes that a Philadelphia resident paid to another state. However, there is a Pennsylvania income tax credit for taxes paid to another state by a Pennsylvania resident.

The maximum amount of the refund is the lower of either:

  • The amount paid to the other local jurisdiction for income that is also taxable in Philadelphia, or
  • The amount that was paid to Philadelphia.

Requesting a refund

Eligibility for these refunds is the result of a Supreme Court decision in Comptroller of Treasury of Maryland v. Wynne, 135 S.Ct. 1787 (2015).

When requesting a refund, you must:

  • Complete a refund petition form.
  • Provide documentation of the taxes you paid in the other jurisdiction.
  • Write “WYNNE” on the refund petition.

Forms & instructions
