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Crime, law & justice

Send funds to an incarcerated person

Service overview

Friends and family members can send funds to an incarcerated person so they can make phone calls or purchase items at the commissary. Funds are deposited through AdvancePay.

Incarcerated people have three different ways of making calls. They:

  • Get 10 free minutes a day.
  • Can place collect calls.
  • Can use their AdvancePay accounts to make more calls.


You must use a credit or debit card to send funds to an incarcerated person.


You can deposit up to $500 a day into an incarcerated person’s account using the kiosks in the lobby of prison facilities.

To deposit money for incarcerated people to use at the commissary, use Access Corrections.

To deposit money so that incarcerated people can make phone calls, use AdvancePay.
