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Crime, law & justice

Report wrongdoing in City government

The City of Philadelphia strives to comply with all laws and ethical standards.

For this reason, the City has a process for reporting possible wrongdoing. Wrongdoing can include fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement of City funds.


To report wrongdoing, call the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) at (215) 686-1770 or fill out the online complaint form on this page.

Reporting anonymously or confidentially

You can report wrongdoing anonymously or have your identity kept confidential.

If you choose to report anonymously, the OIG will not know your identity. To do this, leave the name section of the form blank.

If you choose to keep your identity confidential, the OIG will not share your information with anyone outside of their office. To report confidentially, tell the investigator that you would like to be a confidential source.

Including your name on the form helps the OIG to quickly validate sources, ask follow-up questions, and confirm facts.

Whistleblower protections

City employees and contractors who report wrongdoing in good faith are protected by Executive Order 9-17.

If you are a City employee or contractor and believe reporting wrongdoing will put you at risk of retaliation, please let the OIG know.

If you have already experienced retaliation, you should report whistleblower retaliation as soon as possible.

Wrongdoing report form

Do not use this form to file or ask about a Right-to-Know request with the OIG. Instead, contact the OIG Right-to-Know Officer, Brian Tom, at or (215) 686-1770.
