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Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations

Community relations

The Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations (PCHR) works to resolve intergroup conflict and neighborhood disputes in Philadelphia.

What we offer

PCHR offers mediation, conciliation, and referral services for individuals and households in conflict. Anyone living or working in the City of Philadelphia can request our services at no charge.

To qualify, the dispute must not have escalated to violence or currently be in litigation.


Mediation helps people identify the nature of their conflict and provides them with the skills to resolve the problem themselves. The mediation process brings parties together to:

  • Open the lines of communication and identify concerns.
  • Clear up misunderstandings.
  • Resolve their dispute.

Since this process is voluntary, both parties must agree to participate.

Our mediators do not take sides, provide legal advice, or force a solution on the parties. Through the mediation process, parties may develop a confidential agreement that describes their future relationship.

To learn more about our mediation services, call us at (215) 686-4670.

Conflict prevention and resolution

Individuals and communities sometimes experience conflict motivated by prejudice or hate based on their race, color, ethnicity, or other bases. PCHR has developed a hate crime and bias incident action guide to help residents respond to these conflicts.

PCHR’s staff also works closely with City departments and other entities to:

  • Remain informed about community problems.
  • Work cooperatively to alleviate tensions.
  • Empower communities to work together to solve common problems.

PCHR provides schools, communities, and government agencies with information sessions on intergroup harmony and conflict resolution. These activities are designed to reduce and prevent tension incidents from escalating into negative behavior or violence.
