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The Office of Sustainability (OOS) works to improve quality of life in all neighborhoods. Our teams work with partners across the city to advance environmental justice, reduce carbon emissions, and prepare Philadelphia for a hotter and wetter future.

Climate Resilience

The Climate Resilience division evaluates climate change risks so that we can protect residents and build resilience. We also support partners across local government and Philadelphia communities to create a more resilient city.

We manage these science-backed and equity-focused programs:

  • Eastwick: From Recovery to Resilience, a place-based initiative to co-develop a flood resilience strategy with Eastwick residents in Southwest Philadelphia.
  • The Flood Resilience and Compliance Program, including citywide coordination for the Flood Management Program and Clean Water Act permit compliance.
  • The Climate Services and Resilience Planning Program, which coordinates citywide resilience planning using actionable climate science, tools, and risk information.

Energy and Climate Solutions

The Energy and Climate Solutions division manages programs that progress Philadelphia’s climate and energy goals. We focus on reducing carbon emissions from municipal, residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.

We develop and implement policies and plans that:

  • Reduce carbon emissions citywide.
  • Advance Philadelphia’s transition to clean energy in equitable ways.
  • Support and meet our climate targets.

We also support municipal departments with education, technical expertise, systems change, and data analysis to promote:

  • Energy conservation.
  • Building efficiency.
  • Carbon emissions reductions.

Environmental Justice

The Environmental Justice division advances environmental justice through education, policy advice, and directly resourcing frontline and fenceline communities through the Community Resilience and Environmental Justice Fund.

Our team also supports the resident-led Philadelphia Environmental Justice Advisory Commission.

OOS defines environmental justice (EJ) as the:

  • equitable distribution of environmental benefits and burdens;
  • righting of past harmful environmental policies and practices; and
  • meaningful involvement in decision-making, particularly for those most impacted and that have been historically marginalized.

We envision an environmentally just city where race, socioeconomic status, and ZIP code no longer predict residents’ health or exposure to hazards.

Policy and Strategic Initiatives

The Policy and Strategic Initiatives division supports OOS’s mission, programs, and strategic planning goals.

We coordinate across all divisions to:

  • Conduct policy research and development.
  • Develop a communications strategy so that we can share actionable information with residents.
  • Earn grant funding and maximize resources coming to Philadelphia through programs like the Inflation Reduction Act.
