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Commercial corridor management and cleaning

The Department of Commerce works to make the city an attractive place to do business.

We support the cleaning and beautification of commercial corridors. Commercial corridors are concentrated areas of business activity within a neighborhood. They are community gathering places and usually have a lot of pedestrian traffic. We provide funding for corridor management staff and corridor cleaning.

Funding for corridor management

Commerce provides funding for qualified community organizations to hire staff. Staff members work to improve their commercial corridor.

These individuals:

  • Help neighborhood businesses take advantage of programs and resources.
  • Attract new businesses to vacant properties and storefronts.
  • Work with partners to make the area safe, clean, and attractive for shoppers.

Funding is awarded through a competitive Request for Proposals process. For more information, contact Terrine Datts at or (215) 683-2167.

Funding for corridor cleaning

We work to keep corridors clean through funding to community organizations through the Philadelphia Taking Care of Business Program (PHL TCB). This money allows them to provide extra litter pickups. Organizations can hire staff or an outside company with this funding.

Funding is awarded through a competitive Request for Proposals process. For more information, contact Denis Murphy at or (215) 683-2039, or Terrine Datts at or (215) 683-2167.

Support for community organizations

The Department of Commerce offers support to Community Development Corporations and Business Improvement Districts. Community Development Corporations (CDC) are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that help to improve neighborhoods.  Business Improvement Districts (BID) create clean and safe environments where business can thrive.

Learn more about community organization support.
