Creating employment opportunities for residents while keeping Philadelphia’s neighborhood commercial corridors clean.
Philadelphia Taking Care of Business (PHL TCB) Clean Corridors Program funds community-based nonprofits to sweep sidewalks and remove litter within neighborhood commercial corridors.
PHL TCB has four main goals:
PHL TCB invests in people and small businesses by creating employment opportunities for residents and keeping Philadelphia’s neighborhood commercial corridors clean.
The program is part of a larger effort by the Department of Commerce to enhance and promote vibrant commercial corridors. Resources and programs include:
Increased funding for commercial corridor cleaning—championed by former Councilwoman Cherelle Parker and secured by City Council in November 2019—made PHL TCB possible.
Address |
Department of Commerce
1515 Arch St., 12th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 |
business |
(215) 683-2100
Social |
The City used the following process to identify commercial corridors and cleaning organizations.
Many cleaning organizations hire private cleaning firms. As of March 2024, all of the private cleaning firms that are a part of TCB are Philadelphia-based minority-owned businesses.
We encourage cleaning organizations to hire neighborhood residents, including formerly incarcerated people. Most cleaning ambassadors work on a crew of four people, for three to five days a week. Cleaning ambassadors: