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Get Healthy Philly

Helping Philadelphians to eat healthy food, stay active, stop using tobacco, and stay safe.


Get Healthy Philly works to cultivate safe, healthy, and livable communities in Philadelphia. We believe all people should live in environments that allow them to grow and thrive.

We work to reduce the burden of chronic disease (heart disease, stroke, asthma, etc.) and injury (gun violence) for Philadelphians of all ages. Our programs are people-centered and driven by data. We look to evidence-based solutions grounded in research.

We are committed to health justice, and we recognize the structural factors that shape the public's health. These include systemic racism and other social, economic, and political forces. That's why we also work to change systems, policies, and environments to improve health.


1101 Market St.
9th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Fax: (215) 685-5666

Our programs
