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Pitch & Pilot

Vendor questions and City responses

We’ve received the following questions regarding the Pitch & Pilot calls for solutions. Some questions have been edited for clarity.

About Pitch & Pilot

How is funding awarded? Can it be applied incrementally, or will it all be awarded as a lump sum?

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Can the solution provider be an individual, a group/consortium of individuals, or a company?

If our organization is not yet formally incorporated, can we apply as a sole proprietorship? If so, would the grant money be treated as income and subject to federal, state, and city taxes?

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Is the City of Philadelphia looking for technology and/or app-enabled solutions only?

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Will innovation and innovative approach-based solutions be considered?

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The case being that the solution provider will be responsible for “[…] securing approval from OIT and other relevant City offices” and “[…] will have access to representatives of and resources from […],” can we assume their collaboration is expected and/or part of their commitment/contribution and/or guaranteed?

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Are established companies and companies from outside of Philadelphia eligible to participate?

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Can the City offer support if the pilot project requires IT/cloud infrastructure? Or, should the cost of hosting be factored into the requested funding amount?

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Is the City able to share the Miscellaneous Purchase Order (MPO) form, to which the MPO terms and conditions will be attached? (Referenced in “Section 2. Term.” of MPO terms and conditions.)

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Tap water access and appeal

Who are the representatives from the Department of Public Health, Office of Sustainability, and Philadelphia Water Department who will serve as the partners listed in the Partnerships (page 3) section of the Pitch & Pilot request?

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If our solution involves developing a mobile application, will that mobile application become the property of the City of Philadelphia?

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Will solution providers have access to raw data or disaggregated results from existing programs like Hydrate Philly?

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How is the question addressed (water from tap vs. bottled water) currently being measured? Will solution providers have access to data from such measurements?

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Waste reduction and diversion

How is the waste collected? Would it be possible to provide the workflow of the City’s waste collection process?

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Do you track the waste collection to determine if all the bins have been picked? If so, how is it tracked?

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How often is waste collected? How is the collection frequency determined?

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Is there a waste segregation process in place after waste collection? If so, how is the waste segregated?

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Is there a waste audit process in place? If so, how often is the auditing done? Will the audit data be available for the pilot?

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Is there any rough percentage available of how much waste is recycled and how much ends up in landfills and incinerators? How frequently is the percentage evaluated?

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Is the City planning to replace all traditional bins with smart bins like BigBelly bins to enable efficient garbage collection?

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How are the awareness programs designed? Are they targeted based on any metrics from the waste management data? (For example, certain areas might need more awareness on the waste segregation.)

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Is there any process to measure a campaign’s performance and conversion rates?

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What kind of waste management data is available now that can be shared for the pilot project? What pre-existing data will the selected partner have access to in order to show pilot impact?

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How is the waste collection data maintained now? Is any database or data warehouse used to maintain the waste management data? Can a brief overview be provided on the data storage infrastructure and data engineering pipeline?

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How many households does the Department of Streets service for recycling?

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Does the City have personnel who regularly conduct street, litter, or on-foot surveys?

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Can the selected partner pilot technology on a proposed number of Department of Streets vehicles?

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What is the City’s current waste breakdown for residential, commercial, and municipal solid waste?

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What is the scope of this challenge? (i.e. Which sector should we target? Residential? Commercial? Municipal? Are restaurants included?)

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What does the Solid Waste and Recycling Advisory Committee recommend?

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