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Historic streets paving projects

The Department of Streets manages street paving work for Philadelphia’s Historic Street Paving Thematic District. Funding for paving projects comes from the City, the state, and the federal government.

Completed work


Location Street material Project description
Philip Street between Spruce St. and Delancey St. Granite block Complete reconstruction of this street in the Society Hill Historic District—just to the east of and parallel to American Street—was completed in 2019. Work included PWD improvements and ADA ramp upgrades. The Department of Streets, along with the rest of the project team, was honored for this work with awards from the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia and Preservation Pennsylvania.

In construction

Federally funded

Location Street material Project description
Thomas Paine Place between Dock St. and S. 3rd St. Granite block Full restoration and ADA upgrades to this street, located in the Society Hill Historic District, are funded by a federal Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside grant. The project was bid in fall 2020 and Notice to Proceed was issued on February 4, 2021, with physical construction to begin in spring 2021.
Germantown Ave. between Bethlehem Pike and Rex Ave. Granite block Granite block repair, including resetting, regrouting, and other spot repair as required. Located within the Chestnut Hill Historic District, this work is included as part of the federally funded “Citywide Resurfacing 105” package, which entered construction in the spring of 2020. Work on this segment is scheduled to be completed in summer 2021.

In design


A grant from the PennDOT Multimodal Transportation Fund (MTF), combined with City matching dollars, will fund improvements on these segments with rare or unique pavement types, all within local or national historic districts. These projects are planned for advertisement and construction in 2022.

Location Street material Project description
Camac St. between Walnut St. and Locust St. Wood block The City’s last remaining wood-block street, located within the East Center City Commercial and Washington Square West Historic Districts, will be repaved according to newly updated specifications based on the City’s historic standards and current best practices in peer cities.
Waverly St. between 15th St. and Carlisle St. Slag block Located in the Rittenhouse-Fitler Residential Historic District, Waverly St. will be reconstructed using salvaged and/or new slag blocks, a rare turn-of-the-century paving material. The project includes the construction of new ADA curb ramps.
Mermaid Ln. between Germantown Ave. and Winston Rd. Cubical granite block Located in the Chestnut Hill Historic District, Mermaid will receive partial reconstruction and spot repairs, including ADA ramp upgrades.
Winston Rd. between Germantown Ave. and Mermaid Ln. Cubical granite block Located in the Chestnut Hill Historic District, Winston Rd. will receive regrouting and spot repairs, including ADA ramp upgrades.

Federally funded

Citywide Resurfacing 109

A total of 17 historic street segments eligible for federal funding will receive various levels of rehabilitation ranging from repointing to full reconstruction, improving safety and roadway conditions for all users while maintaining their historic integrity. ADA ramp upgrades and crosswalk repairs will be included, and funding will include local match dollars. Advertisement is scheduled for 2021, with physical construction to be underway by 2022.

Location Street material Project description
Dock St. between Columbus Blvd. and Walnut St. Granite block Work will include regrouting and spot repairs – including full-depth reconstruction where necessary – along with ADA curb ramp upgrades and crosswalk repairs. Located in the Society Hill Historic District.
38th Parallel Pl. between Spruce St. and Dock St. Granite block Regrouting and spot repairs, including limited reconstruction, ADA ramp upgrades, and crosswalk repairs. Located in the Society Hill Historic District.
Spruce St. between Columbus Blvd. and 38th Parallel Pl. Granite block Regrouting and spot repairs, limited reconstruction, ADA ramp upgrades, and crosswalk repairs. Located in the Society Hill Historic District.
Front St. between Vine St. and Ellen St. Granite block These nine segments stretching over a half mile are in various stages of disrepair, with some requiring extensive full-depth reconstruction and others only minor spot repairs. All will be restored using salvaged and/or closely matching new granite block, including ADA ramp upgrades and other repairs as necessary. Portions of this work are located in the Old City Historic District, and much of the corridor follows the route of the historic North Pennsylvania Railroad; this track is considered part of the historic designation and will be retained where present.
Other federally funded projects
Location Street material Project description
Montgomery Ave. between N. 29th St. and W. Sedgley Ave. Red brick As part of the planned replacement of the Montgomery Avenue bridge over Amtrak in Strawberry Mansion, historic approach roadways will be restored on both sides of the bridge, using salvaged and new material, if necessary. ADA ramp upgrades will be included. The project will be advertised in summer 2021, with construction expected to take at least two years.
