If you follow the Office of LGBT Affairs on social media, then you’ve seen that our high school intern, Josie, has been sharing narratives from members of our local LGBTQ community about what Pride means to them. Here are a few of the amazing narratives we’ve shared so far.

Make sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to see more of these beautiful narratives!


What does pride mean to you?

Pride means being open, being free, being yourself, and just embracing who you are. It’s being comfortable somewhere, and not having to feel like you’re afraid.

What makes you feel pride?

What makes me feel pride is the Mazzoni Center. They always make me feel comfortable and never shoot me down when I have an idea. They really embrace youth, and I think youth empowerment is important right now in the LGBT community.




What does pride mean to you?

Pride means having, enjoying, and feeling like a part of your community.

What makes you feel pride?

My church makes me feel pride. Most people in the church are straight, but they surround us and let us know how much we mean to them, and that is wonderful to me. It makes me feel so good, particularly because my family isn’t there for me in the way I’d like them to be. I’m just happy to meet other people in the community.





What does pride mean to you?

Remaining committed to being who you are all the time

What makes you feel pride?

 I would say being with my partner outside of the gayborhood. When we are the gay couple out in spaces.

Has your idea of pride changed over time?

When I was younger, I thought I was being who I was just by being in love with someone. Now, it’s having to be yourself in public all the time. It’s a heightened sense of awareness.