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Business Security Camera Program

Funding for businesses to get surveillance cameras.


The Business Security Camera Program encourages businesses to purchase and install exterior cameras on commercial properties. The program seeks to increase safety for shoppers, residents, and employees.

The program offers two levels of funding:

  • Citywide funding: Businesses citywide can receive up to 75% of the total eligible costs, as much as $3,000 for a single commercial property.
  • Targeted Commercial Corridor funding: Businesses located in certain areas can receive up to 100% of the total eligible costs.

Businesses who use the program must register their cameras with the Philadelphia Police Department. This allows the police to contact the business to view footage in case of a crime. Registering your cameras on SafeCam takes only a few minutes and does not provide anyone with direct access to your cameras or video.

The Business Security Camera Program is a program of the Department of Commerce.


Business Security Camera Program
1515 Arch St., 12th floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102


Citywide funding

To apply, businesses must:

Targeted Commercial Corridor funding

Targeted commercial corridors are in areas experiencing higher crime levels. That includes the following commercial corridors:

  • 52nd Street (Lancaster to Baltimore Avenue)
  • Broad, Germantown, and Erie
  • Frankford Avenue (Adams to Bridge Street)
  • Lancaster Avenue (4100 Street to 4800 Street)
  • South 9th Street (Passyunk Avenue to Catherine Street)
  • Hunting Park Avenue (American Street to 9th Street)
  • Wyoming Avenue (5th Street to Castor Avenue)
  • North 5th Street (Pike Street to Roosevelt Boulevard)

To apply, businesses must:

  • Meet all the requirements for citywide funding.
  • Be located on an eligible block within a targeted commercial corridor.
  • Hire a contractor from the approved list.

See the full list of eligible blocks and approved contractors.

How to apply

You can apply for funding using the online form.

To apply, you will need:

  • Photos showing where you would locate the cameras, and at least one photo showing the entire front façade of your building.
  • At least one estimate from a licensed contractor (a second estimate is recommended). Businesses applying for funding within a targeted commercial corridor must provide an estimate from an approved contractor.
  • If you do not own the building property, a letter from the building owner granting permission for the work.

After you submit your application, we'll review it and send an approval letter stating your award amount. Do not begin work until you have received written approval from the City.

Apply for the Business Security Camera Program

Once you've gathered your materials, you can apply using the online form.
