Starting on January 1, 2017, the city will impose a 1.5-cents-per-ounce tax on the distribution of sweetened beverages as well as syrups and concentrates used to make sweetened beverages. Get complete details about the tax, including what is a sweetened beverage, at

What does the PBT mean for Dealers?

If you sell sweetened beverages to customers at the retail level, then you’re a dealer. Beginning January 1st, dealers need to buy sweetened beverages from a registered distributor or pay the tax themselves. Dealers will also need to notify their distributor that they are in Philadelphia before January 1st. Get complete details at

Retailers should keep an eye out for street teams who are canvasing neighborhoods to talk one-on-one with businesses about the PBT.

What does the PBT mean for Distributors?

If you supply sweetened beverages wholesale to dealers, then you are a distributor and must register with the City. Registration for Distributors is now open at – distributors should be sure to register before January 1st. The first tax return and payment is due on February 20, 2017.

Are you a business group wanting to learn more for members?

Revenue staff are happy to join your next event to answer questions and train your members about this new tax. Email Rebecca Lopez Kriss at