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Dust control forms and regulations

The Department of Public Health monitors dust control at construction and demolition sites. Contractors whose work might put dust into the air must follow the City’s regulations.

Learn more about how to get a Dust Control Permit. To determine the cost of a dust control permit, use the Air Management Services fee schedule.

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) also regulates the removal, collection, transportation, and disposal of asbestos-containing materials. For more information, including notification forms, visit the DEP’s asbestos webpage.

Can’t find the document you need on this page? For additional documents related to air, asbestos, and dust management, please visit Air and Dust.

Name Description Released Format
AMS Regulations I, II, and III Combined PDF August 1, 2022
Dust Control Permit Application for Demolition Activities and Earthworks PDF An application to obtain a dust control permit, which is required for certain demolition and earth disturbance activities. July 22, 2024
Dust Control Alternative Method Request Form PDF A form to request approval for an alternative method of dust control. February 2, 2017
Dust Control Notification Form PDF A notification form used to describe the dust control measures for a construction or demolition project. May 15, 2018
Dust Control Regulations: Frequently Asked Questions PDF Further guidance on parts of the dust control rules established in the Air Management Regulation II, Section IX. February 5, 2019
