It’s game day. Better yet, it’s Super Bowl LIX when our Philadelphia Eagles take on the Kansas City Chiefs. You’re pumped and ready for the Birds to take care of business. But wait! Before you settle down in front of that wide-screen TV, here are a few rules of the game to help you to finish out the season like the champion you are. 

First and foremost, have fun. It’s a game. Remember that. Life can be stressful enough. Sure, the game may have you teetering on the edge of your seat but that’s half the fun. Enjoy it but don’t take it too seriously. As sure as converting a quarterback sneak, life will go on. 

Healthy eating

Next, stay hydrated. With water. Yeah, we get it. Beer and football go together like chips and dip but there’s a limit. None are good for you in large amounts. So, eat and drink as if you, yourself, were going for the touchdown. Because in a way, you are. What we put in our bodies is what sustains us – not only for today but for the years ahead. Always eat and drink responsibly. 

We’ve all heard this next one a thousand times before, but it bears repeating. So, here goes. Don’t drink and drive. Please. If you’re watching the game somewhere other than home and you drink alcohol, do not get behind the wheel at game’s end. If you are watching from home and you drink alcohol, don’t get in your car for a quick food run. Designate a driver who agrees not to drink alcohol so that you – and everyone else on the road – get home safely Sunday night. Or take an Uber or a Lyft. Avoid store runs during Kendrick Lamar’s halftime show by stocking up on munchies ahead of the game. Besides, it’s Kendrick Lamar. Do you really want to miss Kendrick Lamar?   

Speaking of munchies, just because you’re rooting for the Birds doesn’t mean you have to eat like an offensive lineman. Fruit and veggie trays are great for snacking. Wings are also good with small amounts of blue cheese or ranch dressing, especially when served alongside plenty of celery sticks and carrots. Resist or at least limit bowls of pretzels, chips and Cheetos and opt for grapes, unsalted nuts, sliced apples, and unbuttered popcorn, along with plenty of other low-calorie, heart-healthy snacks, instead. Eat smart so you’re healthy when we’re Super Bowl champs again next year. 

Food safety

Healthy eating is always smart but so is food safety. When preparing your Super Bowl spread, wash your hands with soap and warm running water for at least 20 seconds before, during and after food prep and just before eating. 

Separate raw meats from ready-to-eat foods like washed vegetables when preparing, serving, or storing foods. Most bacteria grow quickly at temperatures between 40- and 140-degrees Fahrenheit so don’t leave food out at room temperature for more than two hours. 

When serving or storing, divide large amounts of food into shallow containers and cut large items into smaller portions to cool food rapidly. Later, when reheating food, the internal temperature throughout should reach 165-degrees Fahrenheit. Play by these rules and you’re bound to keep the runs on the field this weekend. 

Play it safe

Should the Eagles win on Sunday, celebrate for sure but please play it safe. Fireworks are best left to professionals and guns should never be used for celebratory noisemaking. If you must make noise, holler, shout, speaker blast “Celebrate!” by Jersey boys Kool & the Gang but please skip the fireworks and leave all guns locked safely away at home. 

Also, don’t play the fool. Poles, bus shelters, newsstands, and awnings are not designed for climbing or jumping. Stay off them and avoid a needless ambulance ride and expensive medical bill. Remember, too, nowadays cameras are everywhere. Don’t be that guy who falls from a light pole or jumps onto a crowd only to be lead away in handcuffs for all the viral world to see. 

Party like a champ this Super Bowl Sunday but remember to party like your life depends on it. Because, well, it does.  

Go Birds!