February is usually the shortest month of the year, spanning 28 days. However, once every four years, the month will get another date, adding one extra day in the calendar known as a leap day. This leap year, we encourage you to take that extra day to become a safer, more resilient you. In honor of the extra 24 hours, we listed out 24 manageable things you can do to Leap into Safety! 

  1. Know which types of disasters could affect your area. 
  2. Visit Floodsmart.gov to know your area’s level of flood risk. 
  3. Check if you have the right type of flood insurance 
  4. Safeguard your documents. (Find a flood-safe place like a high shelf or upper floor in resealable water-tight plastic bags.) 
  5. Document your property 
  6. Start a “rainy day” fund.  
  7. Check smoke alarms. (You can request smoke alarms through Philly311 ) 
  8. Test your carbon monoxide detectors. 
  9. Talk with family or members in your household about where you will go if told to evacuate. 
  10. Test your family emergency plan. 
  11. Have an emergency charging option for your phone. 
  12. Store important phone numbers somewhere besides just your cell phone. 
  13. Check-in and plan with your neighbors. 
  14. Update supplies in your emergency kit. 
  15. Update supplies in your emergency car kit. 
  16. Gather a 3-day supply of water. (One gallon per person per day) 
  17. Fill out your family health information form. 
  18. Check online for free or discounted CPR courses offered near you.  
  19. Know where your local police and fire stations are. 
  20. Know where your local library and recreation centers are. (These could turn into reception sites or cooling centers in the summer.) 
  21. Know the emergency plan for your child’s school and childcare facility. 
  22. Create a fire escape plan and practice fire drills.  
  23. Follow @PhilaOEM on social media. 
  24. Sign up for ReadyPhiladelphia alerts for free.