Residents will now have access to an easier, more predictable process including ability to track progress

PHILADELPHIA – The City of Philadelphia Department of Streets has updated its traffic calming request process to serve residents with a better user experience and a more predictable review and implementation system that maximizes City assets. The program was redesigned to better deliver equitable, transparent, prompt, and citizen-driven action through the use of Philly311 both online and by phone.

“For years, the request process has been cumbersome for residents therefore not living up to its potential to make our City’s streets safer and more inclusive to all modes of transport,” said Carlton Williams, Director of Clean and Green Initiatives. “We reviewed feedback from the public and sought the best possible solution using existing City resources to launch this new process. Our aim is to reduce speeding and eliminate crashes on as many eligible City streets as possible. We believe this program will support Mayor Parker’s goal of making Philadelphia safer through government action that can be seen, touched, and felt on a neighborhood level.”

City staff from Streets and the Office of Transportation, Infrastructure, and Sustainability (OTIS) worked with a consultant team to mine data from various sources to evaluate the program. They surveyed residents who had requested traffic calming in the past, staff members administering the program, and council members about the program’s challenges and studied what’s working for other cities.

Residents will now be able to review an online map for eligibility. All requests should now be sent through Philly311 using the online request page, the mobile app, or by phone dialing 311. Through this new, automated process, applicants learn if their request is eligible and will receive occasional email updates on the status of the request. If a request is ineligible, the resident will receive an email message that closes the request.

With the updated program, the City has allowed for traffic calming requests for streets that were previously not eligible before. Narrow neighborhood arterials and shorter blocks are now eligible for speed cushions. Previously, the requirements called for blocks greater than 1,000 feet between stop signs or traffic signals. Now, blocks must only be greater than 400 feet long.

 How the Process Works

  1. Check your eligibility with our map on the website.
  2. Submit a request through Philly311 – online, mobile app, or by phone dialing 311.
  3. Requests receive preliminary priority scores based on safety data, pedestrian activity near community places, and equity data.
  4. City reviews high scoring requests.
  5. If the location passes preliminary review, the requestor must compile a petition of 60 percent of the residents on the block.
  6. Traffic calming treatments will be designed and installed.

Each request will be scored when it’s received to ensure resources are used where most needed. Traffic calming requests will receive a higher score in places that generate foot and bicycle traffic, like libraries and schools, or in community locations. Becoming a safer, cleaner, and greener city is only possible when residents can access public spaces through all forms of transport.

The City will review requests approximately three times a year. Eligible requests stay in the system for three evaluation cycles if they are not initially prioritized for staff review.

State-owned roadways and larger City arterial roadways are not eligible for the program, as they may need further detailed analysis and coordination to install speed cushions or other traffic calming treatments.

For previous requests received under the prior program that are still in process, no action is required, and they will be transitioned by the City to the new request program. Residents that are unsure if their request remains open or closed are welcome to submit a new request via 311.

Traffic calming measures – especially speed cushions – can slow the speed of vehicles and may reduce traffic volume. The goal of this program is to make crashes less likely and less severe when they do happen.

Learn more about how to request traffic calming on your City neighborhood street.


