Philadelphia Department of Public Health resource hubs are located in five neighborhoods throughout the city. The Jefferson Collaborative for Health Equity (JCHE) provides free health screenings at the hubs.

What can I be screened for?

Visitors can be screened for:

  • Blood pressure.
  • Diabetes (hemoglobin A1C).
  • Cholesterol.

If any results are abnormal, JCHE staff will discuss follow-up care with the visitor.

What are the requirements?

There are no requirements to participate in a JCHE health screening. Insurance and ID are not required.

When are screenings offered?

Screenings are offered on different days at each resource hub.  Visit our calendar of events for the latest schedule.

What is the Jefferson Collaborative for Health Equity?

The Jefferson Collaborative for Health Equity is a community initiative that addresses health inequity challenges in Philadelphia.