In July of 2023, the Philadelphia’s Department of Labor’s regulations regarding the Office of Worker Protections went into effect. The Philadelphia Office of Worker Protections advances and upholds local worker protection laws for the nearly 750,000 workers in the city.

The new regulations outline the practice and procedure for the enforcement of these laws in the Philadelphia Code. 

The regulations summarize the laws that the Office of Worker Protections enforces.  

Since 2015, the city has passed more than 8 laws which the Office of Worker Protections is tasked to enforce. The regulations make it very clear which laws fall under the purview of the Office of Worker Protections. 

The regulations provide a description of the procedure for investigations. 

The Department of Labor regulations outline the conduct of OWP investigations. When the OWP investigates a complaint, a notice and a guide to investigations is sent to the employer. 

The regulations outline enforcement actions for the Office of Worker Protections’ determinations and orders. 

The Office may apply in a court of competent jurisdiction to enforce any final Determination which may include appropriate relief and fines payable to the city. 

→ Read and download the complete regulations online here