Emergency management is a profession that needs the whole community in order to be successful: staff with diverse skills and backgrounds, resident and business engagement, and strong connections with partners. It is a field where learning, skill development, and relationships need to frequently progress.

Last year saw the busy, broad nature of emergency management continue in our office as we updated city public safety plans, provided planning and logistic support for special events, communicated important emergency info to residents and partners, facilitated the city’s emergency operations center, and responded to critical incidents in the city.

A snapshot of some of the notable events and actions from 2022 include continued recovery and mitigation efforts with city departments and residents from hurricanes Isaias and Ida, developing a migrant reception operation plan for hundreds of asylum seekers who arrived in Philadelphia, providing care for displaced residents after emergency incidents, planning for the Phillies’ World Series run, participation in major training exercises, and updating the comprehensive All-Hazard Mitigation plan to name a few.

For more insight into our office, events, accomplishments, and growth, we invite you to read through our 2022 Annual Report

We look forward to becoming a more prepared and resilient city in 2023 and beyond, together.