PHILADELPHIA—The Philadelphia Department of Public Health has issued a call for proposals to expand monkeypox vaccination services and related outreach activities for populations who are at high risk for monkeypox. The intent of this program is to promote equitable access to vaccine, as well as to ensure that accurate and timely information is available to people who are at high risk for monkeypox, particularly those who may be difficult to reach through traditional and social media. Up to ten grants, up to $50,000, are expected to be awarded.

“We’re very excited for this opportunity,” said Deputy Health Commissioner Dr. Frank Franklin. “As part of our ongoing efforts to make monkeypox vaccine more easily available to those folks that are being disproportionately affected by this outbreak, this grant program is intended to align with all of the great work already happening in the community. By working with partners who know this community best, we hope to get more vulnerable populations vaccinated and the communicate the importance of getting vaccinated.”

While the Health Department has made focused efforts to ensure equity, data show far lower response rates to vaccine clinic invitations among Black residents than other groups. As of August 23, 56% of cases reported in Philadelphia have occurred in Black residents, only 23% of vaccinations have been administered to Black persons.

Specific objectives for the RFP are to:

  1. Build an equitable and accessible monkeypox vaccination network across the city of Philadelphia that serves people who are at high risk for infection, particularly persons in under-vaccinated demographic groups.
  2. Create vaccine access points in geographic areas and for communities that are at high risk for monkeypox from under-vaccinated demographic groups.
  3. Direct monkeypox vaccination outreach to Philadelphia residents who are at high risk for monkeypox but may be harder to reach.

Interested organizations can learn more about the grant program and details of the request for proposal at
