PHILADELPHIA – Streets Commissioner Carlton Williams announced today that construction activities for the Broad and Locust Streets Modified Intersection Improvement Project is expected to begin Tuesday, May 31.
The project includes work to improve pedestrian safety at the Broad and Locust Streets intersection. In particular, construction activities at the intersection will be performed to raise the roadway surface and crosswalks to the same elevation as the adjacent sidewalk. This project will include replacement of granite curb, concrete sidewalk and upgrading ADA ramps at this intersection, as well as making drainage improvements and installing decorative crosswalks.
Work will be done in multiple phases in order to maintain all modes of traffic through the intersection as well as to maintain access to businesses during construction. Temporary lane closures during off-peak hours and parking restrictions will be needed to construct the project. “No Parking” signs will be posted throughout the project when needed.
Work will be performed by Carusone Construction, Inc. of Philadelphia. Construction is expected to be completed by Spring of 2023. The value of the construction contract is $937,279.00, and it is being financed with 100% Federal funding.
The Streets Department thanks the citizens for their patience and cooperation during the upcoming construction phase.