On August 24, 2020, the Office of Sustainability (OOS) posted the regulations for the Building Energy Performance Policy – better known as the Building Tune-up Policy. These regulations are now up for a month-long public notice period during which the public has an opportunity to review the regulation language and provide feedback to OOS and/or formally request a public hearing.

After the notice period ends on September 24, 2020, the regulations will either be finalized or, if requested, there will be a hearing to discuss amending the regulations prior to adoption. To review the regulations, you can download the two documents linked below or access them through the regulations homepage:

Mayor Kenney signed into law the Building Tune-up Policy in December 2019. The policy requires all non-residential buildings 50,000 square feet and larger to either conduct a “tune-up” to bring existing building systems up to a state of good repair, or to get an exemption through a high-performance pathway. The regulations better define what is required in a tune-up, the types of exemptions available to buildings, and much more. Once this policy is implemented, it is projected to cut carbon pollution in the City of Philadelphia by nearly 200,000 metric tons, which is the equivalent of taking 40,000 automobiles off our roads.