Some good news has come to renters in Philadelphia. On July 6 the City of Philadelphia and PHDC began a second phase of assistance for tenants affected by COVID-19. If you or someone you know needs rental assistance this program may be able to help.

In the first phase, we helped more than 4,000 tenants. By making direct payments to landlords in Phase 2, we’ll be able to help about 6,300 more renters stay in their homes. However, funding is still limited so not everyone who applies will receive assistance.

To be eligible, renters must meet the following criteria:

  • Applicants must live in Philadelphia. Renters outside of Philadelphia must apply to their county’s organization.
  • Landlords and renters must each provide information.
  • Renters must have lost more than 30% of their income due to reduced work hours/wages because of COVID-19, or have become unemployed after March 1 due to COVID-19.
  • Renters who applied for PA unemployment assistance must have done so after March 1, 2020.
  • Renters’ income before March 1, 2020 must be no more than 100% of the area median income. That’s $87,000 for a family of three

PHDC began accepting applications on Monday, July 6 at

Applications may be submitted until September 30, 2020 or when funding runs out.