As this year comes to a close,  consider making your next family, work, or community function zero waste! Read on for tips to help you reduce waste and environmental impact. 


  • Share directions for walking, biking, and taking SEPTA to your event 
  • Create a map to your event and highlight bus and train routes, Indego Bike Share Stations, and bike lanes  
  • Choose an event venue close to SEPTA transit routes 
  • Provide space for attendees to store bikes, strollers, and scooters 
  • Coordinate carpooling in advance of the event 


  • Support local businesses and food producers or make your next event a potluck 
  • Use reusable forks, plates, cups, and spoons instead of single-use plastics and paper  
  • Encourage attendees to BYO (bring your own) utensils, cups, or plates 
  • Avoid party favors, balloons or other materials that are likely to be thrown away 
  • Opt for more practical giveaways that you know your guests will use 
  • Donate, compost, or save left-over food, durable goods, and textiles 
  • Have enough trash cans, recycling bins, and compost bins. Label them properly!


  • Save energy by turning off lights in areas that are not in use 
  • Avoid leaving doors open while heat or air conditioning is on 
  • Use battery powered LED string lights or candles