The winter months can be tough as we’re kept indoors at times by the cold and winter weather. It’s just as tough on our pets, especially those that are more active.

Our pets are family members and rely on us for their well-being.

To help keep your pets healthy, our partners at the Animal Care and Control Team (ACCT Philly) put together some info to keep them safe.

  • A Code Blue is declared by the City when it becomes unhealthy for people to remain outdoors without shelter. This applies to pets as well.
  • If it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for your pets. During a Code Blue all dogs must stay inside and only go out for quick bathroom breaks.
  • Have an outdoor pet? Their shelter must have a windbreaker or door to keep out the cold, and must have straw bedding, as blankets and towels can get wet and freeze
  • Always protect your pets paws from salty sidewalks during the winter! Doggy shoes or paw balm work best.

According to ACCT Philly, during a Code Blue, City ordinance requires all dogs to be either indoors, or have access to shelter that meets the following requirements:

  • Suitable size to accommodate the dog in both standing and lying positions.
  • Moisture-proof, windproof, ventilated, and in cold temperatures shall promote the retention of body heat.
  • Made of durable material with a solid, moisture-proof floor raised at least two inches from the ground.
  • Contain clean bedding material consisting of hay, straw, cedar shavings or the equivalent to provide insulation and protection against cold and dampness.
  • Access to drinking water available in a clean, liquid state. Snow or ice is not an acceptable water source.
  • Free from excessive dirt, trash and waste.
Information from ACCT Philly to help keep your pet safe during extreme weather situations.