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Washington Avenue repaving and improvement project

A Complete Streets project


This project will improve the safety of Washington Avenue from Grays Ferry Avenue to 4th Street. It responds to what the City has heard from the community since 2013 and offers the opportunity to:

  • Create a smoother street.
  • Design travel lanes that match the changing corridor.
  • Decrease weaving, speeding, and aggressive driving.

The project will include both repaving and design improvements. These improvements will:

  • Create safer and shorter pedestrian crossings.
  • Keep bicyclists safer by separating them from moving traffic.
  • Preserve space for trucks and buses to turn.
  • Reduce instances of illegal parking, such as double parking, and generally improve parking and loading operations.

Learn more about the project

Project timeline


Community outreach begins and continues through 2015.


Analysis begins for parking, loading, and traffic operations. It continues through 2019.


Community outreach efforts are adapted to meet COVID-19 social distancing requirements. Outreach includes online surveys, mailed postcards, online meetings, and videos.

The City announces the survey results and preferred design option.


The street paving schedule is moved to 2022. Additional community discussions take place, including conversations with a working group.


Repaving begins on Washington Avenue.


Repaving is completed on Washington Avenue.

New parking and loading regulations are implemented on Washington Avenue.

Data collection begins for the Year 1 project evaluation.

See full timeline


There are no upcoming events.
