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Building Energy Performance Program

Advancing efficient energy and water use in large, non-residential buildings citywide.


The Building Energy Performance Program, created through Building Energy Performance Policy and sometimes referred to as “Building Tune-ups," aims to achieve efficient energy and water use in the largest non-residential buildings in Philadelphia.

Like cars, buildings need occasional tune-ups to keep them running smoothly and efficiently. A building tune-up requires a review of energy systems and controls and minor tweaks to bring them up to a good state of performance. On average, these tweaks result in 10–15% annual energy savings for a building. They also provide a more comfortable space for tenants.

We project that this policy will cut carbon pollution in Philadelphia by nearly 200,000 metric tons. This reduction is equivalent to taking 40,000 automobiles off our roads.


Office of Sustainability
1515 Arch St., 13th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Process and eligibility

Non-residential buildings with at least 50,000 square feet of indoor floor space must comply with the policy. See the timeline for specific compliance deadlines.

Buildings have three options for compliance. They can:

  • Conduct a “tune-up” of existing building systems.
  • Certify high performance.
  • Receive an exemption.

If conducting tune-ups, building owners must hire approved tune-up specialists to lead their building system assessments and sign off on tune-up reports. To be approved, tune-up specialists must:

  • Have a Professional Engineer (PE) or Certified Energy Manager (CEM) license.
  • Have seven years of related education and experience.
  • Submit an application to the Office of Sustainability.

You can find compliance documentation, FAQs, and other forms and documents on the program resources page. To get notifications when new resources are posted, sign up for our newsletter.

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Stay current on the latest Building Tune-ups developments from the Office of Sustainability.



January 3, 2022

  • Updated alternative compliance plans for large portfolios are due.

April 4, 2022

  • Deadline for certifying high performance, requesting an alternative exemption, and making extension requests for buildings over 100,000 sq. ft.

September 30, 2022

  • Tune-up report deadline for buildings over 100,000 sq. ft.
  • Tune-up specialists submitting 2022 reports must be certified by this date.

January 4, 2023

  • Updated alternative compliance plans for large portfolios are due.

April 3, 2023

  • Deadline for certifying high performance, requesting an alternative exemption, and making extension requests for 70,000–100,000 sq. ft. buildings.

September 30, 2023

  • Tune-up report deadline for 70,000–100,000 sq. ft. buildings.
  • Tune-up specialists submitting 2023 reports must be certified by this date.

January 4, 2024

  • Updated alternative compliance plans for large portfolios are due.

April 3, 2024

  • Deadline for certifying high performance, requesting an alternative exemption, and making extension requests for 50,000–70,000 sq. ft. buildings.

September 30, 2024

  • Tune-up report deadline for 50,000–70,000 sq. ft. buildings.
  • Tune-up specialists submitting 2024 reports must be certified by this date.
See full timeline
