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Sinking Fund Commission

Overseeing administration of the Sinking Fund/Philadelphia Gas Works Pension Plan.

Sinking Fund Commission

What we do

The Sinking Fund Commission administers the Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW) Pension Plan. The plan provides pension benefits for eligible employees of PGW and other eligible class employees of Philadelphia Facilities Management Corporation and Philadelphia Gas Commission. It is a single-employer defined benefit Public Employee Retirement System (PERS).

A sinking fund contains money set aside or saved to pay off a debt or bond. The purpose of the Sinking Fund is to help meet pension liabilities for the employees of Philadelphia Gas Works, which pays benefits from a combination of draws from the fund and current gas revenues.

The commission:

  • Acts in a fiduciary matter with regards to the assets of the PGW Pension Plan.
  • Was established by the City Charter (Section 3-100).
  • Consists of the director of finance, the City controller, and an experienced banker or investment banker appointed by the mayor.

Applicants to Sinking Fund Commission contract opportunities should familiarize themselves with Philadelphia Code Chapter 17-1400 and Chapter 7-A of Pennsylvania Act 44 of 2009, also referred to as House Bill (HB) 1828.


Two Penn Center Plaza
17th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102


Name Job title Phone #
Matthew Bowman Deputy City Treasurer and Executive Director of the Sinking Fund Commission
Christopher R. DiFusco, Esq. Chief Investment Officer
(215) 685-3463
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Commission members

Name Title Email Phone
Donn Scott Chair, Sinking Fund Commission
Rob Dubow Finance Director, City of Philadelphia
Christy Brady City Controller, City of Philadelphia
