Questions of Note include samplings of informal guidance inquiries received by Board of Ethics’ staff from City employees, officers, and other stakeholders.


1. May a City employee use their City title in providing an unpaid endorsement of a company that provided services to a non-profit of which the employee is an unpaid officer?

  • Because the City employee is not compensated by the nonprofit or the company, the City’s Ethics Code would not prohibit them from doing so. The State Ethics Act, however, would prohibit the employee from using their City title for such an endorsement.

2. If a candidate for City office has a political committee in addition to their designated candidate committee, may that other committee make a contribution to the candidate’s candidate committee?

  • Yes, subject to the annual contribution limit of $12,600. Aside from exceptions specifically provided for in the Campaign Finance Law, the candidate could not use the other committee to make expenditures related to the City election in which they are participating.

3. Are the City’s contribution limits based on the election or the year?

  • The contribution limits are annual.
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