Providers urged to reply to new Request for Information (RFI) seeking advanced bike sharing technology to boost its existing Indego program.
(Philadelphia) – City of Philadelphia Deputy Managing Director Mike Carroll today announced the release of a Request for Information (RFI) for Advanced Bike Sharing Technologies.
“The City is tremendously proud of our work with Indego Bike Share and as we look toward the program’s third birthday this year, we are excited by much of what we see driving this industry forward,” said Carroll. “The City is deeply committed to the long-term success of the Indego program and bike sharing in Philadelphia as a key element of our transportation infrastructure.”
The City is looking for technologies, strategies, and business practices to enhance and expand the Indego program in Philadelphia.
Solutions may include, but are not limited to:
- More flexible and adaptable bike share equipment
- Strategies to reduce equipment or operating costs, increase reliability
- App-based checkouts or bike reservations
- Improved tracking of bikes and available open docks
- Seamless integration with other transportation options such as bus, rail, rideshare
- Creative funding strategies
“This RFI will also provide an opportunity to communicate with industry leaders from across the globe,” said Aaron Ritz, Transportation Program Manager for oTIS. “This effort can provide fresh insight and ideas to advance the City’s goals for bike sharing: mobility, safety and health, livability and economic competitiveness, financial sustainability and accountability, and social equity.”
The full RFI can be found at Responses are due by February 16, 2018 before 5:00 PM (Local Philadelphia Time). Information gathered through this process will inform the City’s next steps for the Indego program in 2018 and beyond.
The City of Philadelphia launched Indego in 2015 as the city’s newest form of public transportation with 60 stations and 600 bikes and expanded twice since launch, bringing the total to 120+ stations and 1,200+ bikes. Indego offers 24/7 access to the City on your schedule. Indego is an initiative of the City of Philadelphia and sponsored by Independence Blue Cross.
Learn more about Indego at