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Programme pilote Philacan

Offrir aux résidents un autre moyen de stocker leurs déchets ménagers.

À propos

De nombreux résidents n'ont pas d'espace pour entreposer les ordures ménagères entre les collectes hebdomadaires des déchets. Il s'agit généralement de ménages sans stockage extérieur, allées ou élimination des déchets. Le programme Philacan offre une solution.

Philacan offre aux résidents une capacité supplémentaire en fournissant des canettes appartenant à la ville qu'ils peuvent entreposer devant leur domicile.

Le programme permet également de :

  • Réduisez les débris et les déchets.
  • Éloignez les rongeurs.
  • Rendez nos quartiers propres et sûrs.


Bâtiment des services municipaux
1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 730
Philadelphie, PA 19102
Courrier électronique

Trash can features

Philacan trash bins are sturdy units for household trash only — no recyclables. Their features include:

  • 35-gallon capacity
  • Wheels for ease of movement
  • Lids to prevent litter and rodents
  • Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) technology for tracking lost cans

Program participants can use the trash cans for free. However, the cans remain City property.

Program rules

Before you can get a Philacan, 75% of households on your block will need to approve your block's participation. Households can agree that their blocks should participate, even if they don't want to request their own Philacan.

Once you have a Philacan, you must:

  • Set the can out on your regular trash day.
  • Keep the can clean of markings and graffiti.
  • Secure the can to your property, if possible. The Department of Streets will not replace lost, stolen, or damaged cans.
  • Use trash bags.
  • Make sure trash doesn't spill out of the can.
  • Follow all trash rules and regulations.
  • Only use City-issued trash cans to store trash in front of your property.
  • Call (215) 686-5462 to let Streets know if:
    • Your can is missing.
    • You are moving. Each can is assigned to a specific address, so you won't be able to take the can with you.

You may be removed from the program if you violate the rules or regulations.

Request to participate

Do you want your block to participate in the Philacan pilot program? Let us know.

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