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Navigateur de permis

Un projet SmartCityPHL

À propos

La Ville met actuellement à l'essai un nouvel outil visant à rendre les informations relatives aux permis plus accessibles. Le Permit Navigator aidera les résidents à :

  • Découvrez les types de permis dont ils ont besoin pour certaines utilisations résidentielles et commerciales.
  • Déterminez le coût approximatif des permis.
  • Trouvez des informations connexes sur, telles que le processus de demande de permis et d'autres détails.

Ce projet pilote réduira les obstacles et aidera les résidents à utiliser plus efficacement le système de délivrance de permis existant. Il ne remplacera pas les processus actuels de la Ville.

Les résidents et les propriétaires d'entreprises peuvent envoyer des commentaires sur le navigateur à


Courrier électronique

Project scope

For this pilot, the navigator will support a limited number of residential and business use cases.

Residential use cases

The navigator includes permits for renovations to established one- or two-family residences.

At this time, it doesn't include permits related to:

  • New construction.
  • Mixed-use buildings.
  • Buildings with more than two units, including individual units in a condominium.

Business use cases

The navigator includes permits and licenses needed to open or expand a storefront business. This type of business includes:

  • Offices (such as those for medical, dental, or health group practitioners).
  • Retail sales (such as groceries, apparel, building supplies, etc.)
  • Commercial services (such as entertainment businesses, restaurants, financial services, etc.)
  • Public, civic, and institutional use (such as child or adult care centers).

You can view a full list of the available business use cases in the navigator.

Ready to try the Permit Navigator?

The tool will gather information about your project and provide a summary of the required permits, their cost, and links to related content.


  • Department of Commerce
  • Department of Licenses and Inspections
  • Department of Planning and Development
  • Department of Public Health
  • Department of Streets
